Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure and TV !


1- Watching too much TV is bad for health, because it can affects your vision, especially when you sit too close, or watch tv in the dark, for long hours.

2- Watching too much tv can affects your physical body, because you essentially do nothing, to stengthen and develop your body, its all idle, sitting down and doing nothing. This will incrementally increase the fat in your body, and weaken your body. Worst still, I saw people laying down and watch tv, they told me, 'This is too comfortable!'... Then when they wake up to go get a drink, they discover that their body becomes numb (and thats the first stage of a possible stroke in the coming future!).

3- And now, with new medical studies, that relates heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes?! Not forgetting also back pain and possible stroke, I think I need to reconsider lessening my tv hours still further.

4- Also you can save your money on (wasted) unnecessarily electricity bills, by watching less tv.

Note: Oh yes, its not just 'kids' that will be highly affect by the tv 'side effect'... it also apply to teenagers, adolescents, old people and even adults! Beware!

(20 April 2011)

Too Much TV Can Give Kids Heart Disease
AAP April 20, 2011, 12:02 am

Kids who spend more time than average watching TV are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes in later life, a new Australian study has found. The study, undertaken by University of Sydney researchers, found six-year-olds who spent the most time watching television had narrower arteries in the back of their eyes.

This increased their chances of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes when they were older, the study, released on Wednesday, said. About 1500 six to seven-year-old children from 34 primary schools in Sydney were examined during the study. On average, the children studied spent 1.9 hours a day watching television and 36 minutes a day in organised physical activity.

Those with the highest levels of physical activity - just over an hour or more - had significantly wider average retinal arteries than those who spent less than half an hour a day being physically active. "We found children with a high level of physical activity had a more beneficial microvascular profile compared to those with the lowest levels of physical activity," said Dr Bamini Gopinath, lead author and senior research fellow at the University of Sydney's Centre for Vision Research.

"This suggests unhealthy lifestyle factors may influence microcirculation early in life and increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure later in life." Replacing one hour a day in front of the television with physical activity could help make a difference, researchers said.

"Free play should be promoted and schools should have a mandatory two hours a week in physical activity for children," Dr Gopinath said. "Parents need to get their children up and moving and off the couch."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hepatitis B di Malaysia !


Masya-Allah ramai juga yang kena HepB... Maksudnya kita kena sentiasa ambil langkah berjaga-jaga, dan pergi buat pemeriksaan kesihatan, dan ambil veksin untuk mencegah dari dijangkiti penyakit tersebut.

(12 April 2011)

1.65 Juta Rakyat Malaysia Pembawa Kuman Hepatitis B

KUALA LUMPUR 11 April - Kira-kira lima peratus atau 1.65 juta rakyat Malaysia dikesan menjadi pembawa kuman Hepatitis B yang mampu menjangkiti orang lain serta membunuh secara senyap. Profesor Perubatan dan Perunding Hepatology Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM), Prof. Dr. Rosmawati Mohamed berkata, kira-kira 350 juta penduduk di Asia tinggal bersama dengan pembawa kuman Hepatitis B yang kronik serta lebih mudah berjangkit berbanding HIV.

Tambahnya, Hepatitis B kronik merupakan salah satu ancaman utama kesihatan di seluruh dunia dengan kira-kira 1.5 juta kematian akibat penyakit itu dianggarkan setiap tahun. "Setiap seorang daripada 12 orang di seluruh dunia hidup bersama dengan pembawa kuman ini dan Malaysia tidak terkecuali daripada bahaya kuman ini yang merosakkan hati manusia.

"Tahap kesedaran masyarakat yang masih rendah menjadikan situasi ini sebagai kritikal kerana mereka tidak sedar sama ada dijangkiti atau tidak oleh kuman ini," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini. Beliau berkata demikian selepas menyampaikan syarahan mengenai tahap kesedaran masyarakat dunia terhadap Hepatitis B dan C bersempena Hari Hepatitis Sedunia 2011 yang bermula dari 23 sehingga 28 Julai depan.

Tambah Rosmawati, PPUM akan bekerjasama dengan semua hospital kerajaan dan swasta untuk menjalankan kempen secara besar-besaran bagi meningkatkan tahap kesedaran orang ramai mengenai bahaya penyakit hepatitis. Katanya, pelbagai aktiviti kesihatan akan dijalankan di setiap hospital utama di setiap negeri supaya dapat disebarkan ke segenap lapisan masyarakat.

"Orang ramai berpeluang membuat ujian saringan untuk menguji sama ada mereka dijangkiti atau tidak sepanjang kempen ini ia dijalankan secara percuma. Pemeriksaan awal amat penting untuk rawatan sebelum penyakit itu mencapai tahap kronik," jelasnya.
